Spice Models
Finding or building good device models can be tuff. The LM137 has been around for a long time. Currently, it is not in Multisim library so you must find and test your own model.
In our efforts to find a model we cam across someone who had made a model, Gregoy Wierzba and we wrote him a letter
From: Andrew Bell [mailto:abell118@ivytech.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 12:47 PM
To: wierzba@msu.edu
Subject: LM 137 Macromodel
My students and I have been struggling with getting a LM 137 model to use in Multisim and I stumbled across your name. I believe you have created some macromodels in the past for some parts to include the LM 137. I did find a model @ http://forums.ni.com/t5/Circuit-Design-Suite/lm137-model-behavior/td-p/457416
I believe you must have published a paper at one time called “CA3085, LM7805, LM7812, LM7905, LM137 MACROMODEL DEVELOPMENT”? Do you know where I could get a copy of the paper?
From: Gregory M. Wierzba [mailto:wierzba@msu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 3:01 PM
To: Andrew Bell
Subject: Re: LM 137 Macromodel
The model you found was actually never released by me. It was a first pass model done for Sandia Labs and really doesn't work in all applications.
The final model is very good. The model for the LM117HV is in a Pspice library file on my homepage.
Here is the link:
I wrote many papers in the early 1990's and will have to look for them to see if I can possibly create a pdf for you. I'll need a little time to do this and I will get back to you.
-Greg Wierzba
NI Forum talks about a problem with the LM137 model model
Library of parts from Model author of LM137 model
Another couple of models that could work models
LM337H and LM337K