Alice Tutorial 1 (The Basics)
Alice Tutorial 1 (The Basics)

The first of a few tutorials for the free program Alice. You can download this program at

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Alice Tutorial 2 (Basic Animation)
Alice Tutorial 2 (Basic Animation)

In this tutorial, I will teach you the basics of the animation system. You can download Alice for free at

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Alice Tutorial 3 (Slightly more complex coding)
Alice Tutorial 3 (Slightly more complex coding)

This is the third in a series of tutorials for the program Alice. You can check out some of the Alice videos I have made on my account. Also, if you want to suggest other tutorials, feel free to leave a comment. Oh, and don't forget to subscribe.

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Alice Tutorial 4 (Part 1)
Alice Tutorial 4 (Part 1)

Part 1: This tutorial will show you how to make the motorcycle that I used in War Zone. If you have not seen War Zone yet, you can find it at the URL below.

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Alice Tutorial 4 (Part 2)
Alice Tutorial 4 (Part 2)

Part 2: This tutorial will show you how to make the gun that I have used in basically all of my projects. I used it in "Halo Starry Night Trailer" (on my youtube profile), Infiltration (game), and War Zone. I also used it some earlier projects, but those

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