The following videos will help explain the basic lab equipment used to test and build electroinc circuits. More videos will be used to explain equipment in more details in the future but for now this is a basic overview.
Ohm's Law, The Basics |
Ohm's Law, Basic Demo |
Time =11:37 |
Resistor Color Codes |
This video describes Resistor Color Codes and how to read them. It relates Resistor Color Codes to scientific numbers and engineering notation. |
Time =9:56 |
Electronics - Resistors |
Resistors are a common and important component of most electronic circuits. This video explains how to determine the value of a resistor using the colour code and demonstrates a simple variable resistor. |
Time =6:24 |
Electrical Meters - An Introduction |
This video describes electrical meters that measure current (ammeter), voltage (voltmeter), and resistance (ohmmeter). It explains how electromagnetic and electrostatic meters work. It also explains the operation of a cathode-ray oscilloscope. |
Time =9:54 |
Series Circuit Analysis part 1 |
This video (screen-cast) will show how to analyse a simple circuit consisting of a power supply (battery) and two resistive loads (resistors) connected in series. It shows how to calculate the total resistance, current through all parts, |
Time =14:14 |
Series Circuit Analysis part 2 |
This video (screen-cast) will show how to analyse a simple circuit consisting of a power supply (battery) and two resistive loads (resistors) connected in series. It shows how to calculate the total resistance, current through all parts, the voltages |
Time =11:57 |
Series Circuit Analysis part 3 |
This video (screen-cast) will show how to analyse a simple circuit consisting of a power supply (battery) and two resistive loads (resistors) connected in series. It shows how to calculate the total resistance, current through all parts, the voltages |
Time =14:23 |
Parallel Circuit Analysis with 2 Resistive Loads |
This video shows how to find the resistance, current, voltage, and power of every part of a series parallel circuit using Ohm's Laws and Kirchhoff's circuit laws. |
Time =14:11 |
Analyzing a Series-Parallel Circuit |
This video shows how to use Ohm's Law and the Power Law formula to analyse a parallel circuit with two branches. We will determine all of the resistances, currents, voltages and powers in the circuit. |
Time =14:34 |
Ohm's Law Calculations for Simple Circuits |
This video demonstrates how to use Ohm's Law to calculate the current, resistance, or voltage in a simple circuit. |
Time =13:46 |
Ohm's Law Part 2: Ohm's Law Applied to Simple Circuits |
This video demonstrates the use of Ohm's Law to calculate current, voltage, and resistance in a simple circuit. |
Time =4:36 |