Tanner's Digital Portfolio
Hello, my name is Tanner Gibson, and this is my digital porfolio for my time at Ivy Tech Community
College from the fall of 2011 to the Spring of 2013. I have went here to recieve my Associate's in
Engineering Technology, and I have been pretty successful so far. I have been on the Dean's List two
times and I am a member of the Phi Thetta Kappa honor society for my Dean's List status at the college.
I have learned a lot about what it takes to be a great engineer and some of how to actually come into
the workplace and put my schooling to use. I plan to take my studies down south to The University of
Louisville where I will study, work for, and reciece my Bachelor's in Civil or Mechanical Engineering.
Here are most of classes and the sylabuss' also some projects, labs, and tests are in their individual
folders too.