INDT 100 Computer Fundamentals for 3 Credits


Prerequisites: None. Designed to integrate computer technology, decision-making and problem-solving skills by using multimedia technology and peripherals. Students will explore technology and the various forms it takes in the industrial world. Software and computer programs will be studied along with their computer applications. Students will also learn basic Windows operating sys­tem concepts, word processing, Excel spreadsheets, and research/ communication tools within the College

IVYT 105 Managing Personal Finances 1 Credit

Prerequisites: None. An overview of how to manage personal finances. The course includes information in the areas of personal finances, loans, credit and investing.

ARTS 101 Life and Object Drawing II 3 Credits

Prerequisites: ARTS 100. Rendering abilities will continue to advance with drawing techniques utilizing the human figure, natural and manufactured objects, specifically from life (not pho­tographs). More advanced techniques and creative processes will be explored through expressive use and exploration of a variety of materials and techniques. Emphasis will be placed on developing a higher level of quality draftsmanship with a focus on proportion and structure

QUAL 101 Quality Control Concepts and 3 Credits

Techniques I

Prerequisites: FOUN 071. Covers current quality control concepts and techniques in industry with emphasis on modern manufacturing requirements. Studies the fundamental tools of statistical process control which are used in industry to reduce costs and increase pro­ductivity at a predictable quality level.Emphasizes principles and tech­niques of SPC to ensure prevention instead of detection of problems is practiced. Includes basic statistical and probability theory, sampling techniques, process control charts, the nature of variation, histograms, attributes and variable charts.