#include using namespace std; double cereal, cereal_ton, cereal_boxes; char keep_going; const double METRIC_TON = 2.8349e-5; int main() { do { cout << "Enter weight of one box of cereal in ounces" << endl; cin >> cereal; cout << "You have entered " << cereal << " ounces of cereal.\n"; cereal_ton = cereal / METRIC_TON; cereal_boxes = 1 / cereal_ton; cout << "There are " << cereal_ton << " metric tons of cereal and you would need " << cereal_boxes << " boxes of cereal to make 1 metric ton." << endl; cout << "Do you want to make another calculation? Yes = y. No = n. \n"; cin >> keep_going; } while ((keep_going == 'y') || (keep_going == 'Y')); cout << "Have a good day!"; return 0; }