In Week 1 we learned about the resistor color code and the tolerances of resistors.
In Week 2 we learned more about the resistor color code and its uses.
In Week 3 we learned the properties of resistors in series.
We found the total resistance, then the total current.
In Week 4 we used our knowledge of series circuit formulas to match a
series of resistors with a corresponding voltage and amperage.
In Week 5 we worked out problems of series and parallel resistors.
In Week 6 we used our knowledge of parallel circuit formulas
to match a combination of parallel resistors with a corresponding voltage and amperage.
In Week 7 we we went further in depth of series circuits.
In Week 8 we combined our knowledge of series
and parallel circuits to meet the requirements of the lab.
This week we had our midterm.
In weeks 10-12 we began an introcuction on
AC circuits.
In our final weeks, we completed any labs we hadn't
completed and worked on our final projects.