
Course Syllabus

Ivy Tech Community College logo.

This syllabus will not be provided to you in paper form. 

Course Information

Course Name: Statics 
Course CRN: 45694 
Course Code: METC-111-50C 
Class Meeting Schedule: Lecture T 6:00 - 7:50.  Lab 8:00 - 9:50
Class Location(s): Steel Dynamics Tech Center Rm 1338. Rm 1548

Contact Information


User profile picture

Name: Dale P. DeRoche 
Email (Ivy Tech mail):
Office/Campus Location 
Office Hours: T 5:45-6:00 1338 or by appointment

Instructor’s Supervisor

Name: Andrew Bell
Phone Number: 260-481-2288 
Email (Ivy Tech Email):
Office/Campus Location: SDKB, TC1240R

Ivy Tech Technical Support: Help Desk

Phone: 1-888-IVY-LINE (1-888-489-5463), select option 4 
Student Help Center: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Submit a Help Ticket:

Publisher Technical Support: (If you have publisher tech. support for student, then add it here).

Regional IvyLearn Technical Support

Name: Deb Ponsot
Phone Number: 260-480-2082
Email (Ivy Tech Email):
Office/Campus Location: Harshman 1722 
Office Hours: 8am-5pm

Regional On-Campus Student Services

Center for Academic Excellence (CAE)
All current students can receive tutoring and academic support for free.  We offer 1-on-1 tutoring by appointment and drop-in tutoring as well as workshops and review sessions.  Students using the resources offered at the CAE are more likely to achieve their academic goals and on average earn a half to a full grade higher in their classes.

Phone: (260)480-4262         

Fall and Spring Semester Location/Hours:


Academic student support if your are: a first-generation college student, low-income, or a student with disabilities. Apply at: 260-480-4197

Computer Labs

Computers with internet access and printers are available to you on the North Campus at Harshman Hall, first floor, and at Coliseum Campus, room 2308, as well as at the College library at the Coliseum campus.

ACADEMIC LABS e.g. Math Lab, Language Lab, Music Lab etc.

Disabilities Support Contact

Regional DSS:

Name: Todd Nichols
Phone Number: 260-480-4110
Email (Ivy Tech Email):
Office/Campus Location: Harshman 1708 / Fort Wayne
Office Hours: 8am-5pm

Required Text & Materials

Title: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Author: R.C. Hibbeler
Edition: Fourteenth Edition
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 10: 0133918920

Recommendations for Book Ordering (click on this link for more info)

Course Outline of Record

[Insert COR here]














College Policies & Support Services (click on this link to review)

Students are strongly encourage to click the link above to review standard College policies and information on academic support services.

Fort Wayne Regional Policies

Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities

Ivy Tech Community College recognizes its responsibility to support and uphold the basic freedoms and citizenship rights of all students. In the event that personal or academic misconduct occurs, the College has developed a written Code that outlines student rights and responsibilities. Resolving such situations begins with the College upholding its responsibility to inform you of your rights as a student. Excerpts from the Code relevant to situations that may occur in the classroom can be found here Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities Syllabus Excerpt.docx). The College encourages you to read and be familiar with these policies and procedures. This announcement serves as your notification of your student rights and responsibilities.

Smoke Free

Since 2009, Ivy Tech Northeast has been a smoke-free campus. Per the College’s Breathe Easy policy,
Smoking, including the use of an e-cigarette, shall not be permitted in any enclosed space and is also prohibited outdoors on all college campus property, including parking lots. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Ivy Tech—Northeast is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable and productive environment for the students, faculty and staff of this campus. The use or sale of any tobacco product is prohibited on college-owned, operated, or leased property or vehicles at any time. The policy applied to all Ivy Tech– Northeast facilities and grounds, regardless of location. Smoking, including the use of an e-cigarette, shall not be permitted in any enclosed space and is also prohibited outdoors on all college campus property, including parking lots. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Tickets and fines will be issued to violators.

IvyTech Going Greener

Ivy Tech Community College– is committed to the development and implementation of a comprehensive sustainability plan. We’re emphasizing our responsibility to go green. To that end, we are asking students, faculty, and staff to actively participate in energy conservation measures and proper recycling on campus. The recycling bins located in classrooms and offices are for paper and paper products only. Ivy Tech participates in single-stream recycling for other items. All aluminum, glass, and plastic beverage containers can co-mingle in the same recycling bins located in the hallways. Please remember to empty the liquid from your containers before depositing them in the bins. Any materials that cannot be recycled should be placed in garbage cans. It is also important to turn off lights and computers when leaving a room. Together, we can make an impact on conserving our limited resources. Remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Ivy Tech Community College is committed to a comprehensive sustainability plan. We ask everyone to participate in energy conservation and recycling. The recycling bins in classrooms and offices are for single- stream recycling (clean dry paper/cardboard, plastic containers, aluminum & tin/steel cans and glass). Empty the liquid from all containers before depositing. Materials that cannot be recycled should be placed in garbage cans. Turn off lights when leaving a room.


Add any other regional policies here:


Add program specific policies here:


Right of Revision
The college reserves the right to change any statements, policies or scheduling as necessary. Students will be informed promptly of any and all changes. Your instructor also reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus, including the assignment schedule (dates and content). 

Course Policies & Procedures

Instructional Method

[Select the applicable statement below and remove the inapplicable statement.]

  • H- "Online + Face-to-Face" - These hybrid courses include some on-campus activities.
  • I- "Online Only" -These courses are delivered online.
  • S- "Synchronous" -These courses use live webcast technology.
  • T- "Face-to-Face" -These courses meet in a classroom.


All grades will be maintained in IvyLearn’s online grade book. Students are responsible for tracking their progress by referring to the online grade book. Students can generally expect to receive grades and feedback within seven days of the assignment due date. If exceptions occur, the instructor may notify students of changes to this expectation.

Due Dates & Deadlines

The Syllabus and Calendar are two important tools to help students understand the course, student and instructor expectations, and deadlines. Both tools can be found in IvyLearn.  The Calendar can be accessed from the main navigation area on the left-hand side of IvyLearn.

Students are required to submit work on time for a chance to receive credit. Deadlines for each week/assignment are summarized on the calendar. Students should check the calendar frequently for deadlines and to be aware of what to expect next. Deadlines are listed in Eastern Time and are subject to change.

Students are responsible for timely assignment submission. Should a computer system or network go down, students must still turn in work in a timely manner. Don’t wait until the last minute. Plan ahead by seeking alternative means for submitting work before it is due. Local libraries and all Ivy Tech Community College campuses can serve as alternative resources. Contact the closest/most convenient campus or other public lab for schedules and Internet availability. Not having access to the required software on a home or work computer is not a legitimate excuse for turning in homework late.

Make-Up Policy

Late assignments will be assigned a grade of “0” unless a student has received prior approval from the professor. If a student has a problem or scheduling conflict that prevents the student from submitting an assignment on time, the student should contact the professor immediately. The professor will determine if the seriousness of the problem warrants an extension on the assignment. Unless absolutely unavoidable, students need to contact their instructor before missing the deadline – not after. Instructors have the right to decline accepting work for any credit after a deadline passes with a few specific exceptions, including but not limited to:

  • If there is an outage of the IvyLearn system that is verified by central system administrators, instructors will provide an extension for students to submit work at no penalty.
  • If the student has documentation of serious illness or death of a family member, instructors will work with the student to determine an alternate deadline.

Attendance Policy – Don’t Get Dropped from Class!

Ivy Tech performs administrative drops for students who do not “attend” class early in the semester. Students need to complete an assignment (which may include, but are not limited to, such things as attending a live or synchronous session; posting in a graded discussion board, blog or wiki; or submitting a written assignment or taking a quiz) prior to NW deadline listed below in order to avoid being dropped for non-attendance. Posting any items not related to the graded assignments will be reviewed but may be disqualified for attendance purposes.

Attendance Drop Deadline: Enter Time and Date HERE – Eastern Time.

[Instructors, if the NW date is not known, please contact your campus registrar.]

Am I Required to Come to Campus for this Course?

Some online courses require students to go to a local Ivy Tech campus for an activity, lab, or proctored assessment. For this course:

[Select the applicable statement below and remove the inapplicable statement.]

Yes, students are required to come to campus.

Yes, students are required to go to a convenient Ivy Tech campus or other acceptable testing site to take supervised (proctored) exams.  See the syllabus section on ‘Assignments & Grading’ below for more information.

No, students do not have to come to campus for this course. There are no activities, labs, or assessments that require students to come to campus.

[If no proctored exams, developer should list N/A in the section below.]

What is a “Proctored” Exam?

[If you are using proctored exam services, then leave this section in, otherwise enter: This course does not have any proctored exams. Consult with your instructor.]

Proctored exams are supervised exams. Every Ivy Tech campus has a testing center where students can take proctored exams.

It is the student’s responsibility to provide their testing center location information to the instructor of the course, to schedule an appointment well in advance, and to follow the procedures of their selected testing center. How to provide this information to the instructor will be explained by the instructor.

If the proctoring center at that campus does not own and cannot provide the software or special tools required by the assessment, the student is responsible for locating a proctoring center with the required software/tools. As well, if a student does not live near or cannot conveniently get to an Ivy Tech campus, they should contact the instructor early in the semester to discuss options.

A link to approved Ivy Tech exam sites may be found here:

Ivy Tech has also partnered with ProctorU to give our students an online proctoring option. Using ProctorU does have a cost and the student is responsible for paying the associated fee.  Fee information can be found on the Click for Help tab in Blackboard.  To use the service, students need to first confirm with their Instructor that they would like to take their exam online using the service. The Instructor will then provide the required exam information to ProctorU. Students will need to create an account and register their computer in advance with ProctorU by going to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Students will then be able to sign up to take the specific exam that was loaded by their Instructor, sign up for a time to take the exam that is convenient for them, and register their computer.  For more details please review the ProctorU information on the Click for Help tab in Blackboard.

Last Day to Withdraw

If a student wishes to withdraw from this course, students are responsible for completing an official withdrawal form with the registrar. Your local registrar contact information can be looked up here:

The last day to withdraw from this course is [Type Date Here].

[Instructors, if the last day to withdraw date is not known, please contact your campus registrar.]

Add additional content here to maintain template sequence.

Course Communication

Online Communication Etiquette

Students are expected to uphold their responsibilities in terms of appropriate and professional communication with faculty and peers. Please review the ‘Students Rights and Responsibilities’ section of the student handbook (located within Campus Connect) and review common netiquette (Internet etiquette) practices, like those found at:

Instructor Commitment 

Ivy Tech Community College instructors are committed to responding to students’ written inquiries sent via the conversations tool in IvyLearn (instructions below), within 36 hours, including weekends. Students can contact their local Online Technologies Support with questions (

The instructor commitment to responding to communication is covered in ASOM 7.5.  Only online courses have the 36 hour requirement, it is not a requirement in face-to-face courses.  This is clear in the revised ASOM 7.5.1 and 7.5.2. Please update this section, as appropriate.


All students must use the conversations feature of IvyLearn for course-related communications.  Using conversations, students can send and receive messages from within IvyLearn. Conversations can only be sent and received from within IvyLearn. Please check Conversations frequently.

For information on how to access Conversations (send and receive) click this link to open the Canvas Guides ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  The Canvas Guides will provide you with the necessary information to get started with conversations within IvyLearn.


IvyLearn has a robust notification system through which students can receive course notifications for many course activities and events such as new announcements, due dates, and grade updates.  Students can receive those notifications via many different channels including text messages and are highly encouraged to customize their notifications.  To learn more about notifications and how to setup and customize notifications, please review the guide here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Additional Communication Options

Below are several additional optional ways to communicate with your instructor:

GoToMeeting – Description …

Phone – Description …

Assignments & Grading

How is my grade calculated?

[For each kind of assignment, create a section below and write a short description – sample below for format only – not expected verbiage.]

Discussion Boards

There will be ## discussions for this class and are listed on the calendar.  Each student will be responsible for responding to the prompt for that discussion and then replying to the specified number of other students as stated in the discussions rubric in the Resources area of the course.  No late discussions will be accepted.


There will be ## quizzes throughout the course that cover the reading material for that week.  Quizzes can include multiple choice, true/false, short answer, essay, file response, and other types of questions.  Each student will have one attempt and some quizzes will require grading from your instructor (such as in the case of essay, short answer, file response, and other types of questions that require instructor grading).  Students should allow themselves ample time to complete each quiz as they will get only one attempt. 

Last Revised on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 by [Faculty Name]. 

Course Summary:

Course summary will autofill as you attach due dates to assignments.

Course Summary:


Course Summary:

Date Details