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Hello Electronic Fans, My name is Ken Fischer.

            I have been a student at Ivy Tech and started by pursuing a degree in Graphic Design. During that time, the diversity of classes that the degree demanded exposed me to many potential career paths. I enjoyed many of these subjects so much, I considered going down a few of these career paths instead of Graphic Design. Electronic Technology is one of these subjects and the most interesting by far than the others considered. So, I pursued and completed an Associated in Electronic Technology just after completing the Associates of Science in Graphic Design.

            Electronic Technology is a changing environment with endless categories of technology to pursue. I find the electronic field interesting because though it is rapidly expanding; the interesting electronic fundamentals that have been around for decades are still valuable concepts that should be learned. The electronic world is so vast an individual can work in one area and have a hobby in another area of electronics or apply both to same area. It will be important to keep up with an overview of all areas of electronics while my efforts will eventually concentrate in a particular classification of electronics.